What is your reaction when you are facing fear? Do you recognize fear as fear when you are experiencing it?

What is your reaction when you are facing fear? Do you recognize fear as fear when you are experiencing it?

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Slowing down and going within. Powerful work. Yet it often seems to carry the price tag of fear. What if the price tag was healing instead? Would that be as exhilarating as when we see “SALE”?

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Mind games. Mental manipulation. We’ve all done some form of it at some point in time whether or not we realize it. Bid for connection vs. manipulation? The difference lies in the intention behind the comment. What are you hoping to accomplish when you engage with another person? The majority of the time it is…

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My darling, sweet Topaz continues to teach me so much about myself. The latest topic: boundaries. How much wiggle room will I allow him before enforcing boundaries? It made me veer outside of puppy training and look at what boundaries I enforce in my human relationships, too. How much justifying do I do (i.e. he’s…

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Why do you do what you do? The intention of the question lies in relation to your work. Why do you have the job that you have? What aspect of your job inspires you? The answers to these questions can be quite revealing. Maybe you do what you do simply for the paycheck, which is…

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The short answer to that question is yes, the unknown can be a blessing. Although there are plenty of examples that may pop into your head to tell you otherwise, we could all do ourselves a favor by leaning in and allowing. I’ll explore the traps, the scary parts and the benefits of the unknown…

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Let’s face it, we all get in our own way. We are the ones that create the roadblocks and stories that keep us on the proverbial hamster wheel. We keep chasing and chasing, waiting for someone or something to make it different. Well, the person you are waiting for has been with you all along…YOU!…

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Vulnerability of not knowing the outcome. I don’t know about you, but that concept creates some inner resistance. Sometimes I can jump on board and love every aspect of not knowing the outcome…and then there are the other times… Much like all other feelings I experience, the resistance to vulnerability ebbs and flows. There are…

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Going to the quiet within. Listening to the whispers of the heart. Connecting to the love nudges from Spirit. Residing in the silent sanctuary within. All of these are essential on a daily basis, but seemingly more so during the holiday season and in preparation for the new year. It’s easy to get caught in…

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Uncertainty. I find it to be unsettling at times and somewhat exciting at others. It’s the unsettling side of uncertainty that is a bit more present these days.  It seems that every time I shift my attention to another area in my life, uncertainty appears. One could argue that every moment of every day is…

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