My arms will be wide open
For the moment you arrive.
When you set sail on your journey
And happiness is far away,
Love will guide you till the morning
Lead your heart down to the bay.
Don't resist the rain and storm
I'll never leave you lost at sea.
I will be your lighthouse keeper
Bring you safely home to me.

Sam Smith and Labrinth, from “The Lighthouse Keeper”

There is something about these lyrics that resonates deep within. In the moment I heard this song, I took it in from the perspective of Spirit offering this invitation. Regardless of how you refer to a divine being…God…Spirit…Universe…Divine…open yourself to that space of knowing and read the lyrics again.

What a profound gift to take into your heart; the thought that Spirit is waiting for you…to return to your connection and safe harbor.

I hear these words as the invitation to rekindle or fan the flame of connection with Spirit. I am never alone. Regardless of what I am experiencing, I am always being guided.

I also embrace the idea of love guiding me, be it self-love or Divine Love. To me, love rests on a foundation of trust. Do I love myself enough to trust where I am headed? Do I trust that Spirit is always walking with me? Do I trust my inner knowing?

Rain and storms will happen. Change and growth require going through uncomfortable experiences, challenging me to step out of my familiar comfort zone. Just as in Nature, I don’t know exactly when the storm will come, how intense it will be or how long it will last. I do know that it will pass.

Another aspect that I hear in these lyrics is the lack of judgment for whatever choices are made. Regardless of how I travel on my journey, I will be guided and eagerly welcomed. It’s as though there is an anticipation of Spirit wanting me to connect…to trust. What a thought! Spirit eagerly awaiting me…my openness…my presence.

Do I trust that Spirit will be…or is…my safest haven? There is a dance of doubt that gets in my way from time to time. Allowing the knowing of Spirit to be my safest haven…resting in it…surrendering to it…being vulnerable to it…claiming my worthiness to receive it… is often too big for my think-y brain to take in.

That’s precisely when I need to let my heart take it in.

This all continues to feel a bit surreal to me and quite a pondering to start the new year. Spirit does have a way of communicating with me…with you…if we just listen. With fresh ears. With our hearts. With our eyes wide open.

I have renewed faith in the guidance on my journey through 2021.

What do you most need to guide you on your journey?

Are you ready to receive all that is being offered to you?

My wish is for us to also be the lighthouse keepers for each other.

There is something about these lyrics that resonates deep within. In the moment I heard this song, I took it in from the perspective of Spirit offering this invitation.