One More Time
The levels of understanding and invitation in this quote are rich and deep.
From one perspective, it holds the invitation to offer forgiveness or acceptance within a personal relationship. If someone hurts us or betrays us, what is our willingness to offer forgiveness? Do we have the heart strength (courage) to trust loving again? And then again?
And what if we hurt or betray someone? Do we hold ourselves in a space of being trustworthy? Are we willing to trust that we will be accepted one more time?
Not only does this concept hold true for this one moment, but we have the choice every single time. In other words, don't give up on love.
If we dig a little deeper with this, it also offers the invitation to reflect on self-love. Do I love myself enough to try again? Do I love myself enough to walk away from an unhealthy situation? Do I love myself enough to be kind and gentle with myself? Do I love myself enough to speak kindly about myself, be it aloud or in my head? And then do I have the courage to do it again tomorrow? And the next day?
The courage doesn't come from forcing or pushing through situations. Courage is heart-centered strength.
When I take the time to reflect on the path that has lead me to where I am today, I realize and acknowledge that yes, I do have the courage to trust love one more time. And in that process, I also see how I allowed myself to be vulnerable, lean into the fear, and feel the emotions that go along with it.
This reminder is important to me because I feel like I keep running into these snarls that are tripping me up. I wonder what it is that I'm doing and why it is that I am doing it. (This is the feeling the emotions part...doubt...fear...mixed with frustration)
It takes me to one deeper connection...Divine Love. Read the quote again holding the idea of Divine Love (Spirit). It changes everything. Do I have the courage to trust in Divine Love?
This is about accepting the greater connection to all living beings.
Do I have the courage to trust that all is unfolding in the way I most need it to?
Am I willing to let love/Love be my North Star when I feel most doubtful and afraid?
And then to choose love/Love again...
Love over fear.
One more time.
Always one more time.