Before one can fully step into trusting another, one has to first trust him or herself.

To me, trust is another concept that carries high aspirations of attainment with a dance around what it means to me individually. I want to trust someone, but what does that mean? What does it include?

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Such an elusive ideal.
We pray for peace.
Crave inner peace.
Long for world peace.

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There is something about these lyrics that resonates deep within. In the moment I heard this song, I took it in from the perspective of Spirit offering this invitation.

There is something about these lyrics that resonates deep within. In the moment I heard this song, I took it in from the perspective of Spirit offering this invitation.

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Most people don't realize that the mind constantly chatters. And yet, that chatter winds up being the force that drives us much of the day in terms of what we do, what we react to, and how we feel. ~ Jon Kabat-Zinn

Most people don’t realize that the mind constantly chatters. And yet, that chatter winds up being the force that drives us much of the day in terms of what we do, what we react to, and how we feel.
~Jon Kabat-Zinn

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Sensation tell us a thing is. Thinking tell us what it is this thing is. Feeling tells us what this thing is to us. -Carl Jung

Sensation tell us a thing is.
Thinking tell us what it is this thing is.
Feeling tells us what this thing is to us.
-Carl Jung

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Remember that wherever your heart is, that is where you'll find your treasure. Paulo Coelho

Remember that wherever your heart is, that is where you’ll find your treasure. ~Paulo Coelho

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The world is filled with so much noise and tension that it becomes easy to detach from what you are experiencing or how you are feeling. You numb yourself from what you are sensing because everything feels like too much. This pattern can lead to stress in the body, creating an imbalance among mind-body-spirit. Take a breath. Let’s explore some ideas how to move from numbness to peace.

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Prayer: A conversation opening to intimacy.

Waiting in love. Returning to love. Trusting love.

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How often do you get in your own way?

I was originally going to ask if you ever get in your own way. Then I remembered that we ALL get in our own way. It’s a matter of recognizing it and then getting OUT of our own way.

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