How often do you get in your own way?

I was originally going to ask if you ever get in your own way. Then I remembered that we ALL get in our own way. It's a matter of recognizing it and then getting OUT of our own way.

I am convinced that at some point in time, I will learn to stop being by biggest interference. I catch myself in the process and am completely hit or miss as to whether or not I choose to respond differently.

I am aware of the powerful lessons that are contained within a journey.

I am aware of the powerful opportunity to learn something new.

I am aware of the power of gratitude.

I am aware of the power of my gifts.


I need to stop getting in the way of my power.

Not from a space of controlling others, but one of knowing what lies within me.

Instead of being aware, I need to choose...over and over again.

I choose to learn the powerful lessons within each day.

I choose to embrace the powerful opportunity to learn something new.

I choose to offer and receive the power gratitude.

I choose to utilize the power of my gifts.

We are all divinely powerful individuals.

Is that why we get in our own way? Are we intimidated by our own power?

I'm finding myself to be fatigued lately and I'm beginning to think that part of it has to do with me fighting myself.

Is it rejection or denial of my power?

In reality, it doesn't matter which one it is. What matters is that I embrace what is within me and celebrate it. Always.

Would you care to join me in celebrating you, too? We don't need to be doing Herculean things to be celebrated. We get to be celebrated because of what we bring to each day. Every day. No rules. No requirements.

I choose to commit to getting out of my way.

Go ahead...say that aloud to yourself.

I choose to commit to getting out of my way.

Walking together in light, love, peace...and power.
