
Vulnerability invites you to be raw and real, not to be confused with spewing and projecting fear and blame on others. Being raw means being honest with how you are feeling, especially when the feelings you are experiencing bring discomfort. The honesty piece is about being honest with yourself. If you have the ability to share openly with another person, embrace the gift! If not, trust the beauty in knowing the truth of how you feel.

As the pandemic carries on and brings more change mixed with more uncertainty, the emotional rollercoaster may have more dips, plunges, and unexpected turns.


Step into the moments of feeling fragile and afraid right along with the feelings of anger. Release any shame or embarrassment connected to how you feel. You have a right to feel how you feel. The raw, real emotions can leave you feeling vulnerable and exposed. Beathe. Your response is the 'right' response for long as you are not inappropriately taking them out on other people, animals, buildings, etc.

Vulnerability can leave many feeling out of control. However, when you are aligned in body, mind, and spirit, you're stronger than you think. Being honest with yourself about how you feel strengthens self-love. The vulnerable act of feeling your feelings gives you the affirmation that you may often seek from someone else. Give yourself permission to feel how you feel.

The video link on the right guides you through the following questions in a meditative space. The questions are included here for you to spend time with and explore more deeply.


Take a breath and notice your body.

How do you feel? (sad, mad, glad, hurt, ashamed, afraid)

Where do you feel it in your body?


Take a breath and notice the thoughts in your mind.

With whom do you feel safe sharing those thoughts?

If not a person, how else can you appropriately release the thoughts?


Take a breath and bring awareness to your heart center.

What can you do to accept how you feel?

How can you foster gentleness around your feelings?


When I choose to be vulnerable,
I experience truth and connection.

Walking together in light, love, peace...and vulnerability.