Why are mistakes so powerfully paralyzing to so many?


What kind of mistake can be so disabling?


What’s the worst thing that could happen if a mistake is made?


Fear, or fear of making a mistake, can be debilitating…to your own self…to relationships…to work productivity…to enjoying life. The fear of making a mistake builds a wall over time, often letting anger take over the reins with intense judgment of others right behind.


What could possibly be so powerful to prevent someone from being curious and engaging?








Being seen.


It may seem ‘safer’ to keep everyone at arm’s length, but it ultimately ends up hurting more.


We want connection.


We crave shared experiences to wipe away the loneliness.


We ache for laughter and joy to feel authentic.


Here’s where we can empower ourselves…make a different choice. Even if it feels completely awkward and fake.


Be courageous.


Be curious.


Make a mistake…or two…or three…


Take at least one step out of the rut and travel an altered path.


Choose connection…even if you have no idea what that really means.




Be curious.


Make a mistake…or two…or three…


Choose to respond to what is whispering within you…even if you have no idea what it’s saying.




Be curious.


 Make a mistake…or two…or three…


Choose to engage with another person…even if you have no real understanding of what they’re talking about.


Be open.


Be curious.


Make a mistake…or two…or three…


Choose to let love be your compass…even if you don’t particularly like the way a person is behaving.


Be compassionate.


Be curious.


Make a mistake…or two…or three…