It is vital to love and be loved just as it is important to acknowledge the different sources of that love.   It is human nature to desire to receive love and affirmation from outside sources. It is of even greater importance to offer love and affirmation to ourselves. For how are we to receive…

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How often do you get stuck in comparing yourself to others? Income? Job status? Social life? Marriage?   How about shifting the focus back to you?   It’s alarming to experience and witness the ease of outward comparison instead of inner reflection. All of the juicy nuggets of uniqueness are ignored for something we don’t…

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I love the layered brilliance of this quote.   It demands a shift in mental perspective.   It requires taking ownership for thoughts and actions.   It is inspirational.   It is empowering.   As life continues to unfold and expand before me, a reminder like this is a powerful love nudge. Without fail, there…

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As many of you know, my beloved yellow lab Wolfgang found his way to peace last Thursday. As I continue to grieve his passing, I have come to see just how parallel our lives really were.   I was blessed with Wolfgang when he was the tender age of six weeks old. Although we had…

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What is important to you?   What do you desire but talk yourself out of?   Is it a different job?   A new hobby?   A dream vacation?   Growth in a relationship?   Learning a new skill?   Where does the ability to struggle, fail, get up and repeat come from?   As…

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Be yourself.   Sometimes those two words are enough to stir confusion and overwhelm.   What does it mean to be yourself?   Who are you?   Who do you know you to be?   Who do others know you to be?   **Spoiler alert** this is not going to answer the deep question of…

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To know how to be one’s own self…   Powerful.   Liberating.   Necessary.   Fear is no longer in charge.   Control is no longer an issue.   Love is at the root.   Freedom from attachment.   When we liberate ourselves from expectations and attachments to outcomes, there is greater flow in each…

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This Independence Day, I invite you to experience a new kind of freedom; a freedom of going without.   Live without pretending. Be true to who you are, with grace and charisma. Be willing to speak your truth, which can be as simple as politely declining an invitation to do something that you would rather…

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What do you suppose happens when someone rejects their brokenness? Let me clarify my perspective on brokenness. I don’t believe that we are broken or need “fixing”. I do believe there are pieces of our lives or experiences that we attempt to keep separate from the parts or experiences we accept, thus creating “brokenness”. The…

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  I am completely enamored by this picture. It captures the essence of the quote, bringing to life the joy, wonder and anticipation of what awaits. Take a moment to remember what it felt like when you were a child and you heard your parents say, “I’ve got a secret for you!” What did that…

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