This is essentially a spin on the quote about life being about the journey and not the destination. The element that I really needed to see was what the journey teaches about the destination. It may seem like splitting hairs, but in this moment, it makes a difference. There is so much behind the…
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Monkey chatter. Holding your breath. Pride and ego. Fear. All of which have been culprits at some point in time and revisit at will… and derail connection… and sabotage groundedness… and isolate. If I were to narrow the list down, it would come down to fear. …
Read MoreMistakes
Why are mistakes so powerfully paralyzing to so many? What kind of mistake can be so disabling? What’s the worst thing that could happen if a mistake is made? Fear, or fear of making a mistake, can be debilitating…to your own self…to relationships…to work productivity…to enjoying life. The fear of making…
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We all experience fear. Every single one of us. What we choose to do with the fear is the difference. We can either accept the love nudge from fear and discover what we are really afraid of or we can resist and put up the angry defensive wall. Maybe the response changes in different…
Read MoreAlong for the Ride
I almost have to laugh at myself for the resistance I am experiencing to sit down and be with this quote. Part of my journey right now is an increase in noticing the pain in my physical body. My left side is finding its way to healing, opening and balancing and experiencing a fair…
Read MoreBreathe
“Sometimes the best thing you can do is not think, not wonder, not imagine, not obsess. Just breathe, and have faith that everything will work out for the best.” ~Nishan Panwar This is a constant love nudge for me as things shift. The more I don’t ‘know’ what is going on, the…
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You’ve got to know yourself. You’ve got to know what ignites your magic, what fires your soul into performing majestic acts of love. You’ve got to know yourself so much that not even a hundred voices will drown yours. You’ve got to own yourself: this journey is all yours. All yours. No one can do…
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“Fear is a natural reaction of moving closer to truth.” ~Pema Chödrön Yet again, this is a much needed reminder that fear is not something that needs to be resisted with every ounce of my being. Along with my acronym of fear (fully embracing authentic reality), this quote is the love nudge that…
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Every burden bears a gift, every challenge brings a treasure, and every setback hides a blessing. ~The Universe (a.k.a. Mike Dooley) Transitions are tough. I continually like to believe that I get better at them over time, but I don’t. They’re uncomfortable. I feel disoriented and disconnected. I am less patient and…
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Fear is always about what might happen, not much about what’s happening right now. When you’re present in the moment there may be discomfort, even real pain or sadness, but not a lot of fear. Fear is about your projections. ~Deep Spring Center Thought for Today Open up your mind and senses…
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