When I choose to release control, I am in flow with life. ~Ann Ruane Fall in Love with the Whispers of Your Heart, Book 2

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Control is an illusion that you cling to with the false hope of gaining certainty. ~Ann Ruane Fall in Love with the Whispers of Your Heart, Book 2

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When I choose to engage in what I’m passionate about, I lead an inspired life. ~Ann Ruane Fall in Love with the Whispers of Your Heart, Book 1

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What if your purpose in life was exactly this—to find the fire in your heart and keep it lit? ~Ann Ruane Fall in Love with the Whispers of Your Heart, Book 1

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When I choose joy, I find peace. ~Ann Ruane Fall in Love with the Whispers of Your Heart, Book 1

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There is extreme joy in the empowerment of choice—and it all lies within you. ~Ann Ruane Fall in Love with the Whispers of Your Heart, Book 1

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