This is the gift of doing your “work”.


This is the gift of conscious awareness around your beliefs, words and actions.


This is what is meant by feeling is healing.


This embraces the power of energy work combined with transpersonal development.


This is what I hold to be true in my own work as well as the guiding principle at Lux Eterna Healing: Personal Empowerment through Healing.


Our bodies remember a lot more than we do and it is important to release what gets stuck or held within our body. Sometimes it simply needs “permission” to release without any conscious knowing of what is going on. Sometimes it is important to be consciously aware of the pattern or belief so it can be changed. It’s rather tricky to attempt to change something without the awareness of what it is you want to change!


It is important to take notice of the signals the body gives…aches…tension…butterflies…indigestion…constriction…heart palpitations…edginess…these are all teachers waiting for the student to pay attention. The student, of course, being each of us.


The impact of the body signals tends to reduce once you slow down and name what is going on. I’m nervous about meeting this new person. I’m afraid of how this person will react when they hear what I have to say. Naming the sensation slows things down. It invites a slower, deeper breath. It’s also the reminder that you really are safe and whatever you are experiencing is not going to kill you. I mean this seriously, not facetiously.


It is easy to get all bungled up in the physical sensation or the emotion we are experiencing, spiraling or catapulting us further down the swirling abyss.  The fear resides in the unknown. When we slow down, we realize that we actually know enough and that our life is not in jeopardy.


If we are able to name the physical sensation, it is easier to access the emotion that goes along with it. I have been taught and use six main “feeling” words: sad, mad, glad, hurt, ashamed, afraid. Once the emotion is named, you can explore what is behind it. This is not always easily accessible without guidance and support from a professional. Regardless, naming the physical sensation and the emotion that goes with it does bring a sense of liberation.


Our world is operating at an increasingly fast pace with 24/7 accessibility. The pressures put on us (by ourselves, our families, our bosses/co-workers, etc.) seem to pile up, leaving us feeling like we are constantly treading water. The result is trying to “control” whoever and whatever you can so you’re not surprised and feeling overwhelmed. This is an unhealthy lifestyle. We learn to ignore the messages from our body, dismiss how we feel, and numb ourselves.


For many people, September marks the start of “structure” again. The kids are back in school; there is less time at the cottage or on vacation; activities start up again. Stay in tune with you. There’s no benefit in pushing yourself or setting high expectations that are unrealistic. Breathe. Slow down.


Believe it or not, you will always have time to accomplish what needs to get done.


Reclaim your personal power through awareness.


Be curious.


Listen to your body.


Learn what you really do feel.


Gain the insight of the wisdom within your body.


Empower yourself.