We are warmed by the fire,

Not by the smoke of the fire.

We are carried over the sea by a ship,

Not by the wake of a ship.

So too, what we are is to be sought in the invisible depths of our own being,

Not in the outward reflection in our own acts.

~Thomas Merton



Going into the depths is incredibly powerful. Nourishing. Humbling. Inspiring. Overwhelming. Peaceful. Cozy. Yet the invitation to go within can be met with resistance, fraught with worry or simply left unanswered. Sometimes the invitation to sit with the divine magnitude of Self seems unfathomable. And the in-between of the fullness of connection within revealing itself as the outward light can be oddly disconnecting. That’s a bit where I sit today…in a “wow-really-big-transformation-is-taking-place-and-I’m-in-a-state-of-disbelief” space. Due to this space, I’m really at odds in regards to finding words to use to express myself.


What I can say is to trust the process. Stay true to your work. Honor the devotional time, even if it is only five minutes. Journal. Allow yourself to have an outlet that is free of judgment and the words can be free. Be open to all that the logical mind wants to reject or question. Respect and respond to your intuition. Listen to your body. Pay attention to the synchronicities around you.


Be in nature. Chat with animals…thanking birds for their song, pets for their love, Mother Nature for the surprise “visit” from a deer, hawk, wild turkey, woodpecker, etc.


Take care of your body…energy work, massage, yoga, release work…offer it healing.


Take care of your mind…free it from fear, judgment and worry through meditation, journaling, or any other form of quiet that brings peace.


Take care of your spiritual self…pray (or other form of connection to Divine), listen to the whispers of your heart, allow your actions to be in alignment with what is true to you.


Take care of your emotional self…check in often with how you’re feeling throughout the day, notice it without judgment, be patient.


Slow down.


Be aware.




Live consciously.



