The degree to which you trust yourself colors your willingness to trust others. ~Ann Ruane Fall in Love with the Whispers of Your Heart, Book 2

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You have to be willing to be seen and heard in order to feel seen and heard. ~Ann Ruane Fall in Love with the Whispers of Your Heart, Book 1

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Jealousy is a strong message from your body that greater acceptance and love are needed…toward yourself. ~Ann Ruane Fall in Love with the Whispers of Your Heart, Book 3

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Create Magical…whimsical… Dreaming…molding…experiencing An opportunity for miracles… Innovate. ~Ann Ruane

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Patience invites a deep connection within yourself, reveling in the peace that resides in the core of your being. ~Ann Ruane

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Remember that your perception of the world is a reflection of your state of consciousness. ~Eckhart Tolle Mantra: When I choose to shift my perception, I open to a broader state of consciousness.

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The universe has shaken you to awaken you. ~Anonymous Mantra: When I choose to receive the ‘shakings’ of the universe, I open to growth and higher consciousness.

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There is no coming to consciousness without pain. ~Carl Jung Mantra: When I choose to take responsibility for my role in my past, I come into higher consciousness.

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