I have found that a key element to all of this for me is getting into the heart of what exactly is ‘darkness’. Ego monkey mind has attached a rather ominous quality to darkness, but it isn’t full of evil maliciousness. Darkness is essentially all of the ‘stuff’ we don’t want to look at.…

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  I have found myself to be much more intentional about my prayer time since the start of 2018. I don’t even know how to explain how liberating it feels to be able to say “prayer time” without a slight recoil. Once upon a time, I had to do some hefty soul work around the…

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  “The fear of inadequacy and rejection can lead us to heal old emotional wounds and claim their wisdom.” ~Joan Borysenko     Rejection seems to carry more weight in my experience than inadequacy…at least in the current phase of growth. Hearing words that attack who I am is quite a challenge. The feeling of…

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  True Belonging Be vulnerable. Get uncomfortable. Be present with people without sacrificing who you are.   ~Brené Brown     It’s a comfort to see “get uncomfortable” in that quote because it sure does go hand in hand with being vulnerable. Fasten your seat belt needs to be included on the list, too, because…

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