Reflection Questions How would you describe your vision of life? How often do you experience peace of mind? How do you achieve clarity? Clarity and peace of mind are powerful tools. Achieving either and both is only possible when we allow ourselves to see life in all its variance. -Carlos Wallace

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Clear thinking requires courage rather than intelligence. -Thomas Szasz Mantra: When I choose to courageously listen within, I open to clear thinking.

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When things feel murky and unsure, fine tuning our hearing so as to distinguish the voice of our Innermost Self brings clarity. -Kristi Bowman Mantra: When I choose to listen to my Innermost Self, I experience clarity.

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For me the greatest beauty always lies in the greatest clarity. -Gotthold Ephraim Lessing Mantra: When I choose to receive clarity, I experience joy.

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A few times in my life I`ve had moments of clarity where the silence drowns out the noise and I can feel rather than think. -Tom Ford Mantra: When I choose to feel into a situation, I gain clarity.

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There are few things more powerful than a life lived with passionate clarity. -Erwin McManus Mantra: When I choose to know my Self, I live with passionate clarity.

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Reflection Questions What do you seek? How do you connect with all that is? What does it mean to you to dwell in the infinite? Do not seek fame. Do not make plans. Do not be absorbed by activities. Do not think that you know. Be aware of all that is and dwell in the…

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Knowledge creates noise. Understanding creates silence. Wisdom creates peace. ~Sven Schnieders Mantra: When I choose to pause and align within, I experience peace.

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