There is great value in remembering that we have the opportunity to start again in every single moment. There is no need to let a mistake, mood, person or anything else be the determining factor of how our day unfolds.
Sometimes the choice needs to be made the very moment we step out of bed. As one who experiences physical discomfort in the morning, I have the power to choose how I am going to respond and set the tone for my day. There are days where it is more fluid and the gentleness for my body is more accessible. On the days where this doesn't hold true, I hold the intention of doing my stretches and yoga to allow my body as much mobility and flexibility as I can. I create the moments for my body to step into more fluidity.
It's also easy to let yesterday color the perception of today. Yesterday is over and unchangeable. Today is fresh and dynamic, with endless opportunities that don't have to be connected to yesterday. I find this nugget to be important when dealing with people, be it co-workers, friends or family. The exchanges that happened yesterday can inform choices made today, but it doesn't have to set the tone for the day. The power of choosing how to respond and engage is always available.
I also need this reminder when I feel things have stagnated, be it personally or professionally. There is constant love and attention in all that I do and it doesn't always seem as those it is making a difference. Sometimes connecting to the "why" of it all feels vacant, leaving me searching for affirmation outside of me. When I engage with the knowledge of every moment being a new beginning, I remind myself that I do all that I do because it is important to me, resonates with what I feel called to do and how I want to lead my life. And that's enough.
When things feel stagnant and stuck, every breath is an opportunity to fan the flame connect with my remember that the journey is where the juicy learning happens and the seeds are planted.
Everything always unfolds in Divine time...and every breath involves Divine love. And that is enough.
The power of choice is available in every single moment.
Remember that.
Use it.