There is big energy around alignment of intention and action. Breathe into each moment. Take notice of what is going on around and within you. Take heed of the messages that come each day through other people, songs, and Nature. Stop dismissing or ignoring the occurrences. If you do, you are choosing to stay where you are. It is always the right time to take action. Excuses feed the old, limiting beliefs. Toss them out. Turn the soil of your mind to nourish the seeds of growth. Don’t wait for somebody else. You are the one with power. Use it appropriately to align your actions with your intentions.

~channeled message


Gardening represents the idea of alignment of intention and action. We plant seeds with the intention for them to grow and then take consistent action to foster growth through watering, weeding, fertilizing or whatever else needs to be done. We are no different. Once we set a goal, we need to take consistent action to nurture our intention. The goal may be something like drinking more water every day to something that takes us out of our comfort zone like a job change. Regardless of the scope of the goal, there needs to be alignment of intention and action.


I have been receiving consistent spiritual love nudges to step into a broader realm of what I am capable of. I don’t have definitive plans. I don’t even have true clarity as to what it all entails or how things will change because of it. However, I am committed to the intention of being open to what is unfolding within me and am taking steps towards clarity every day. I am aware of the “pieces” of the puzzle and that’s about it at this point. I jot down nuggets as they come. I listen for any messages that may come through work with my clients. I step into the activities that take me out of my comfort zone. I sign up for courses that will expand my knowledge base. And then I journal about all of the fear of various degrees that winds its way through it all.


The quote above invites me to view my inner world as a garden…being a grand teacher. It really is. There is wisdom to be tapped into, limiting beliefs to be acknowledged and released, and gifts to be explored and utilized. It takes time and gentleness to be with the richness of my inner garden. The gentleness is necessary so I don’t get caught up in the weeds, but enraptured with the beauty. There is time for active effort as well as time for germination. And most importantly, trust.


Trust that I am “doing” enough.


Trust that things are shifting and unfolding even when I don’t see them.


Trust that all will happen in Divine time.


Trust in the love nudges I receive.


Trust in ME instead of waiting for someone else to be in control.


Trust that the teachers and earth angels will appear as I am ready.


Trust in my intuition.


Taking Respite Under Spirit’s Tenderness