
There is a natural desire to be acknowledged and appreciated for who you are and what you do. However, the real key is to find that acknowledgment and appreciation within, allowing the external to be what it will be.

There is always going to be someone who is unhappy with some aspect of what you did or how you did it. You simply can't please everyone all of the time. But that doesn't mean you aren't worthy or didn't do a good job.

People come with their stories and try to make sense of your choices and how they fit into their realm of experience. If they don't have a similar experience or the ability to shift their perspective, you won't fit in that particular moment. It can be frustrating, but appreciating your value over the response of another will offer you peace.

It is draining and exhausting to push and strive to impress others or to be sure everyone else is pleased. It's not your job. Your job is to tend to you.

In the moments where you allow others to see you for who you are and what you offer, imperfections included, a different space of trust opens up. Say no when you mean no. Take a break when you need to take a break. You will not be able to tend to everyone if you don't first tend to yourself.

There is greater ease in the day to day when you allow yourself to be where you are and work within the capacity you have to offer. That level of ease means others get to see YOU and not some pretend version of you. The ripple effect of that choice gives others the opportunity to be themselves, too, creating a more pure connection.

Find the space of acceptance and gentleness for yourself.

Honor it always.