
I don't even know where to start with this. There is so much depth to this, some of which I can accept in this moment and some of which I'm being resistant to. The desire to rest in this is strong, but I am certainly fighting it today...or at least in this moment.

The picture tugs at my heart because it seemed easier to have faith in the power of love when my Wolfgang was next to me. Although I know he's still with me, it feels very different without his physical presence. I didn't question the power of love when we were together. Love was always enough. Now I need to dig within and recapture that faith with Wolfgang guiding me in a different way.

I tend to need to make faith more accessible to my mind (especially when I'm experiencing resistance) by changing it to acceptance. I need to ACCEPT the power of Love.

Well, if that's not a nugget to work with I don't know what is!

It all has to start with me. I have to accept whatever form it is offered...a sloppy dog kiss, a beautiful sunny day, a random text from a friend or just time shared with another person.

The challenge I find myself facing is how to have faith in the power of Love when what I offer isn't received...when it is ignored...thrown angrily back at me...misunderstood...and the veil doesn't seem to want to lift. I realize those are all messages to keep loving, but it certainly can ruffle my feathers. Where is my faith that my self-love is strong enough to be in those moments and stay connected to love? To not let it interfere and lead me to question whether or not I am accepted?

I also realize that how each individual responds is their responsibility and not mine. When I am most challenged by the power of Love, it can feel insurmountable to not take it personally. It's in those moments that I need to love me as much as I possibly can.

To add to the personal challenge, not only do I need to choose to not take it personally, I also need to choose to continue to love. Continue to be present. Continue to accept. Continue to risk.

I choose to accept the power of love.

I choose to accept the power of self-love.

I choose to accept the power of Divine Love.