Do you allow yourself to truly honor your passion?

You may immerse yourself in your passion but do you allow yourself to deeply savor the experience?

I am passionate about my piano playing. I know in my core that I have been blessed with a gift. However, I'm creating static and getting in my own way.

I am preparing for a concert in a few short weeks. I know that part of the preparation is getting knee-deep in the learning and building a harmonious relationship (pun intended!) with the music, being present for the journey of creating. But what happened to the fun?

I chose the pieces because each of them spoke to me in their own way. When I first dove into the learning process, I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know how the music felt in my hands, how it sounded and the overall effect it had on me.

But the clock is ticking...

Ego mind (fear) jumped in and reminded me that people will be there to hear me play...and then came the what if's. Ugh.

I continually remind myself that I'm doing this for me and my enjoyment of playing yet there is a short-circuit of connection while I play. I had an email exchange with a friend of mine and we shared the memory of the joy we experienced putting on a benefit concert last year.

She said she hoped I was having fun with this one.

Am I having fun?

My approach from this point forward will be about reconnecting to the vulnerability of expressing my interpretation of somebody else's divine inspiration.

It's not about playing all of the right notes.

It's not about making sure the speed is what is suggested on the page.

It's about me and the music. End of story.

Yes, I will continue to refine and drill. But that's not the end game.

Can I open to the vulnerability of pure connection between me and my music and allow others to bear witness to the creation as it happens?

What are you passionate about?

Do you allow yourself to truly enjoy your talent or do you mindlessly go through the motions because you know you're good at it?

When was the last time you really enjoyed doing what you love?

Tap into the vulnerability of connecting to you.

It's a pretty amazing experience when it happens.

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