Chatter Blog 4.30.19_001

Ugh. Monkey chatter rattling away at the cages in my mind. Knowing the source of it yet getting lured into listening. When will the cycle end?

It's not that I always find myself lured into listening, but when I do...what an uncomfortable adventure...sigh.

When the whispers of the heart are heard in the midst of the monkey chatter, I find relief...but only if I ACT on the whispers...that's truly the only way out for me.

Sometimes the fear of acting on the whispers creates more of the monkey chatter than anything else. I hear the whispers...want to act...and then the litany of fears kicks in. Every fear listed in this quote becomes present...and annoying. It drives me crazy that I can still get trapped and triggered!

The incessant chatter reminds me of the last time I tried to (fill in the blank) and it wasn't received or triggered the other person. Or when I said how I really felt or what I really believed and it was shunned. Or what might happen if there is no response long will it take for the rejection to kick in and how will it look.

The chatter can even put the perception of the other ahead of what I know to be true about myself. What's up with that?!?!?

I realize that this is all part of my journey, part of my work of releasing attachment for 'approval' from others. I thankfully don't live in this space all of the time. It comes and goes at will and seems more like a hurdle instead of a mountain.

Spirit continues to give me the love nudge to dig in to SELF acceptance and honor what is in my heart. To be whole in the present moment is to be in complete connection to my heart...a state of existence well worth the journey.