Reflection Questions Recall a time when you felt overcome by fear. Were you debilitated or inspired? How did that situation resolve? How might that situation have played out if the opposite response to fear was acted upon? What did you learn about yourself? Fear can debilitate or fear can inspire, depending on how you choose…

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Reflection Questions What are you most afraid of learning about yourself? What is your resistance to surrendering to love? What can you do to start accepting yourself more deeply? Surrender to love. Yield to the whispers of your soul and follow where they lead. Discover yourself in the space of sacred surrender. ~Ann Ruane Fall…

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Reflection Questions How would you describe your ability to apply ‘love to the places inside that hurt’? What gets in the way of offering yourself gentleness? What is your association with or belief around the uncomfortable emotions? Love yourself through the hurt on the inside, regardless of what you discover. ~Ann Ruane Fall in Love…

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Reflection Questions Describe a recent time when you placed blame or judged another person. Why did you do it? What were you experiencing in that moment? What other choices could you have made? Placing blame helps avoid feeling the uncomfortable feelings that lie just beneath the surface. ~Ann Ruane Fall in Love with the Whispers…

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Reflection Questions What dream are you seeking inspiration to fulfill? What gifts do you already have within you to support yourself? What are you waiting for to inspire you? You carry a treasure trove of wisdom and knowledge within you. Let it inspire you and support you. ~Ann Ruane Fall in Love with the Whispers…

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Reflection Questions When was the last time you got upset, either inwardly or outwardly, at someone close to you for seeing you in a moment of weakness? What were you afraid would happen? What nugget can you take away from that experience to use as insight for growth? Open to vulnerability to help soften your…

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Reflection Questions Recall a time when you were faced with adversity. Describe how you felt at that moment. How did that adversity find resolution? What did you learn about yourself from that experience? Courage: Strength connected to heart. Speaking what’s in your heart. Acting with guidance from the heart. Facing adversity with heart. Meeting opposition…

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Reflection Questions What attitude do you bring to life? How do you perceive the things that happen to you? How can you shift a seemingly negative experience into a new opportunity? Perception is tied to expectation. The more attached you are to a certain outcome, the narrower your perception will be. ~Ann Ruane Fall in…

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Reflection Questions How do you define hope? When have you been carried through a tough situation because of hope? How would you describe your ease of being hopeful? Hope is always alive within you. Your soul will guide you if you listen. Your hope lies in who you are, not what you have or what…

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Reflection Questions How has holding a grudge affected any relationships you are in or have been in? What does that do to you emotionally? What wound may have been triggered by the wrongdoing? Allow yourself to see beyond the wrong and connect to the person and then connect with your heart. This is where truth…

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