Tough Love Nuggets About Integrity
Have you ever done a little soul searching about whether or not you live of life of integrity? Do you strive to do right or be right? Do you choose integrity in certain situations or at all times? Does your life model the values you believe in? Where is the dividing line between discernment and integrity?
When I reflect on these questions, I can see moments of fear winning over integrity.
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Mind games. Mental manipulation. We’ve all done some form of it at some point in time whether or not we realize it. Bid for connection vs. manipulation? The difference lies in the intention behind the comment. What are you hoping to accomplish when you engage with another person? The majority of the time it is…
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I think Kermit the Frog has it right…it’s not easy being green. There have been many opportunities this past week for me to fully be present with where I am. Gracefulness was not always my partner in the moment, but I certainly allowed myself to fully feel what I was experiencing. Fear…
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“The good or bad is not in the circumstance, but only in the mind of him that encounters it. ~James Allen This is parallel with the adage, “Mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.” When the mind is controlled by fear, all sorts of havoc can be encountered. There…
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Your work is not to drag the world kicking and screaming into a new awareness. Your job is to simply do your work sacredly, Secretly, Silently Which will emanate Light wherever you are, And those with eyes to see and ears to hear will respond. ~The Arcturians It is no surprise that this…
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