No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it. ~Albert Einstein Mantra: When I choose to see problems with higher consciousness, I find solutions.

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The key to growth is the production of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness. ~Lao Tzu Mantra: When I choose to have a higher level of consciousness, I experience growth.

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Our time on this earth is sacred, and we should celebrate every moment. – Paulo Coelho Mantra: When I choose to celebrate every moment, I honor the sacredness of my life.

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The heart in every human is the sacred love. – Lailah Gifty Akita Mantra: When I choose to know Sacred Love within my heart, I experience joy.

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The mundane and the sacred are one and the same. – Alan Watts Mantra: When I choose to see the sacred in the mundane, I open fully to the sacredness of Life.

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Something opens our wings. Something makes boredom and hurt disappear. Someone fills the cup in front of us: We taste only sacredness. – Rumi Mantra: When I choose to open to the sacredness around me, I feel loved and supported.

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The most cherished and sacred moments of our lives are those filled with the spirit of love. – Joseph B. Wirthlin Mantra: When I choose to cherish sacred moments, I live in love.

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Only the frantic of fear can harm you. Your calm and centered self knows exactly what to do. ― Bryant McGill Mantra: When I choose to tap into my centered self, life flows with ease.

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A wise man need only the guidance of his own heart. ― Tyler J. Hebert Mantra: When I choose to listen to my heart, I reside in my center.

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What I need in order to stay creative and centered is a certain amount of distance from the maddening crowd. You cease to be your best self if you’re running too fast. ~James Redfield Mantra: When I choose to nurture centeredness through calm, I find calm in my center.

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