Reflection Questions How do you implement power over your mind? How does that impact your strength of spirit? How do the two strengthen your body? You have power over your mind – not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength. ~Marcus Aurelius

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Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars. ~Kahlil Gibran Mantra: When I choose to embrace the fullness of life, I am strengthened through all I experience, including suffering.

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The more you care, the stronger you can be. ~Jim Rohn Mantra: When I choose to care about myself, I deepen my strength of spirit.

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Some of us think holding on makes us strong; but sometimes it is letting go. ~Hermann Hesse Mantra: When I choose to let go of what no longer serves me, I tap into my inner strength.

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You never know how strong you are, until being strong is your only choice. ~Bob Marley Mantra: When I choose to be strong, I open myself to more of who I really am.

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Strength is a matter of a made up mind. ~John Beecher Mantra: When I choose to make up my mind and commit, I foster inner strength.

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Reflection Questions Do you: Eat like you love yourself? Move like you love yourself? Speak like you love yourself? Act like you love yourself? Why or why not? Eat like you love yourself. Move like you love yourself. Speak like you love yourself. Act like you love yourself. ~Tara Stiles

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If you live to please others, everyone will love you except yourself. ~Paulo Coelho Mantra: When I choose to love myself, it is easier to love others.

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You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection. ~Buddha Mantra: When I choose to offer myself love and affection, I live in joy.

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