When you accept your own feelings, it becomes easier to accept how others feel. ~Ann Ruane Fall in Love with the Whispers of Your Heart, Book 1

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Reflection Questions What is your concept of Spirit? How do you let that concept inform you during the day? How might you shift your awareness to allow for seeing Spirit in everything? The concept of everything being Spirit will open your heart to gentleness and compassion. ~Ann Ruane Fall in Love with the Whispers of…

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Your spiritual nature is rich and inclusive. ~Ann Ruane Fall in Love with the Whispers of Your Heart, Book 2

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Reflection Questions What level of ease do you experience when standing apart from the majority? How do you respond when you choose to follow the crowd instead of being true to yourself? What prevents you from being true to yourself? All that you do is a reflection of self-respect. ~Ann Ruane Fall in Love with…

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Respecting another means honoring who they are and valuing their beliefs. ~Ann Ruane Fall in Love with the Whispers of Your Heart, Book 3

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Reflection Questions What life experience do you feel shame about? What are the stories of fear that are held tightly within? Be gentle with yourself in this process. Shame is connected to one’s image of Self. ~Ann Ruane Fall in Love with the Whispers of Your Heart, Book 1

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Shame can be a highly charged emotion that can ravage and control what messages are replayed in your mind. ~Ann Ruane Fall in Love with the Whispers of Your Heart, Book 1

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