We all experience fear. Every single one of us. What we choose to do with the fear is the difference. We can either accept the love nudge from fear and discover what we are really afraid of or we can resist and put up the angry defensive wall. Maybe the response changes in different situations or different people. Be curious. Be gentle. Discover what fear is nudging you to release and move through to gain strength, courage and confidence.
The familiar acronym for fear, found in Dr. Susan Jeffers’ book Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway, is False Evidence Appearing Real. Building from there, I offer different acronyms for being with fear. Choose which column resonates most with you.
Fully Embracing Authentic Reality
Falsely Expressing Angry Retorts
Facing Everything And Rising
Fearing Everything And Running
Freely Experiencing Abundant Riches
Fearing Experience And Retreating
Finding Everything Aligning Robustly
Finding Everything Abhorrently Revolting
Flying Energetically Above Resistance
Flat-lining Endlessly Around Resistance
Freely Expressing Aligned Reality
Fighting Every Aligned Reality
Fully Expressing Acceptance Radiantly
Falsely Expressing Accusations Righteously
Faithfully Encompassing Acceptable Responsibility
Frantically Escaping Acceptable Responsibility
Be curious.
Discover what is behind the fear.
Move through it into your power…strength…courage…confidence.