Reflection Questions What mental feedback do you offer yourself when things don’t go the way you had hoped? What prevents you from offering compassion to yourself? What beliefs were taught or modeled to you that are not healthy and need to be released. You spend more time with your thoughts than anybody else does. It’s…

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Reflection Questions When was the last time you listened to the whispers of your heart? What do you most need at this moment? What can you do to honor that need? How does it feel to know what you need? The net of love is only as big as the connection to joy. The more…

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Reflection Questions What story of unworthiness do you carry with you? Why do you continue to let it define you? What do you imagine it would feel like to be free of the story and allow grace in? Grace challenges the belief of unworthiness. In order to receive grace, you must believe you are worthy…

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Reflection Questions What are you curious about but feel afraid to try? How does fear keep you from experiencing spontaneous delight? How can wondering inspire you today? You deserve to trust your desires and follow your heart. Trust that listening to that desire and offering it to yourself is a worthwhile endeavor. ~Ann Ruane Fall…

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Reflection Questions Recall a time where an experience of yours created a shared-story connection with another person. What was the impact of that on you? How has that shifted your willingness to be more present with other experiences in your life? How might that experience influence your interaction with others? When there is connection with…

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Reflection Questions When have you been jealous of what others have? What do you believe is lacking in your life? What evokes gratitude in your life? Your mindset is a significant powerhouse in reframing jealousy. ~Ann Ruane Fall in Love with the Whispers of Your Heart, Book 3

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Reflection Questions How content are you with the self you have created so far in your life? What needs to shift or change for the contentment factor to be higher than what it is now? What is getting in your way from creating a self you will be happy with? Create the you that inspires…

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Reflection Questions How would you describe your patience level? What sense of urgency keeps you pushing forward? What do you most need to help you slow down and increase your patience?

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Reflection Questions What dreams do you still wish to accomplish? Who are you holding responsible for accomplishing your dreams? What keeps you from accessing your inner passion to fulfill your dreams?

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