Reflection Questions What limiting beliefs interfere with your ability to access your inner wisdom? What level of willingness do you currently have in approaching your inner journey? What would your life be like if you were more open to your inner wisdom? You are the only one who can go to those depths within you…

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Reflection Questions Reflect on a moment in your past that was a struggle. What traits can you identify within yourself that served you in that moment? Reflect on today. What traits within you have served you today? Imagine today’s vision of your future. What traits will continue to serve you? As you look with gratitude…

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Reflection Questions Who in your life experience can trigger a space of unworthiness? What importance do they carry in your life? Why is their opinion so important? When you believe in your own value and worth, other people don’t carry as much influence on your perception of you. ~Ann Ruane Fall in Love with the…

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Reflection Questions What are your beliefs around black-and-white thinking versus intuitive knowing? What experience(s) have you had with your intuition? How comfortable are you with listening to and following your intuition? Your intuition is the divine spark within you, free of the cumbersome nature of mental reasoning. ~Ann Ruane Fall in Love with the Whispers…

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Reflection Questions How often do you attempt to control a situation? What happens when things don’t go as planned? How do you respond? What emotion(s) are often present when you are trying to control? Control does not equal perfection, nor does it yield love and acceptance. ~Ann Ruane Fall in Love with the Whispers of…

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Reflection Questions What happens when you have the opportunity to let yourself be seen? How much do you allow your passion to be present in all that you do? What prevents you from letting your passion be your guide? Let your passion be stronger than your fear. ~Ann Ruane Fall in Love with the Whispers…

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Reflection Questions How willing are you to play? What level of engagement do you allow for yourself when you play? How creative do you believe you are? Remember the fullness of who you are and go play. ~Ann Ruane Fall in Love with the Whispers of Your Heart, Book 3

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Reflection Questions Reflect on your experience with grief. How have you supported the full scope of your journey with grief? Are there lingering emotions that you are afraid to feel? If so, give yourself permission to notice that and open to the continuation of the healing journey. The path of grief is a winding one.…

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Reflection Questions How does your body respond to anger, either yours or someone else’s? What is your overall reaction to anger, yours and someone else’s? What, if anything, triggers feelings of anger? Anger is a hot emotion that can create damage when it is not understood. ~Ann Ruane Fall in Love with the Whispers of…

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Reflection Questions How often do you allow yourself to see your own light? How often do you access the light within you to support you? How does your inner light empower you? The light within yourself is where true beauty resides. You have the ability to access your beauty and your light at all times,…

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