I was torn between using this quote of Saint Augustine and his message that we would not be searching if we had not already been found. Both of these invite me to simply sit and be…allowing the truth of the words to penetrate my heart center.   Let’s just start with faith alone. Faith:…

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  “The fear of inadequacy and rejection can lead us to heal old emotional wounds and claim their wisdom.” ~Joan Borysenko     Rejection seems to carry more weight in my experience than inadequacy…at least in the current phase of growth. Hearing words that attack who I am is quite a challenge. The feeling of…

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  Do you want to know what’s really beautiful? Confidence. Do you want to know what’s really powerful? Persistence. Do you want to know what’s really sexy? Not needing to be needed. And if still “they” don’t notice your good looks, your strength, and your sashay… could you feel more sorry for them? Tallyho, The…

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  “Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.” ~Denis Waitley     The seemingly elusive concept of happiness and what isn’t attempted in order to attain it. Happiness really is a spiritual experience. It is all wrapped up…

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  “The good or bad is not in the circumstance, but only in the mind of him that encounters it. ~James Allen     This is parallel with the adage, “Mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.” When the mind is controlled by fear, all sorts of havoc can be encountered. There…

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  “Like water, be gentle and strong. Be gentle enough to follow the natural paths of the earth, and strong enough to rise up and reshape the world.” ~ Brenda Peterson     I love this imagery of water. It connects to the peace and tranquility I find when I am near water or can…

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As Stars I sit on the surface each day to the next, not always going to that deep level if I can help it. I would have to say, dipping in for a moment, there has got to be more to this—and just what is it—and why Do we all keep grasping for more? I…

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Your work is to discover your world And then with all your heart Give yourself to it. ~Buddha     I love the poetic nature of these words. I am inspired by the message of these words. And I can be overwhelmed with the magnitude of these words. I can affirm, with every fiber of…

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“Fear is a natural reaction of moving closer to truth.” ~Pema Chödrön     Yet again, this is a much needed reminder that fear is not something that needs to be resisted with every ounce of my being. Along with my acronym of fear (fully embracing authentic reality), this quote is the love nudge that…

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  Every burden bears a gift, every challenge brings a treasure, and every setback hides a blessing. ~The Universe (a.k.a. Mike Dooley)     Transitions are tough. I continually like to believe that I get better at them over time, but I don’t. They’re uncomfortable. I feel disoriented and disconnected. I am less patient and…

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