The path of grief is a winding one. Give yourself permission to wander as needed to find peace. ~Ann Ruane Fall in Love with the Whispers of Your Heart, Book 2

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When I choose to offer gratitude, I experience inner joy. ~Ann Ruane Fall in Love with the Whispers of Your Heart, Book 2

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Live in the gift, not in the wound. Live in your gift…YOU. ~Ann Ruane Fall in Love with the Whispers of Your Heart, Book 2

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Whispers Question How content are you with the self you have created so far in your life? Fall in Love with the Whispers of Your Heart, Book 2

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When I choose to create my best self, I experience peace. ~Ann Ruane Fall in Love with the Whispers of Your Heart, Book 2

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Create the you that inspires you, feeds you, challenges you, and is centered in the love of who you are. ~Ann Ruane Fall in Love with the Whispers of Your Heart, Book 2

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When I choose to release judgment, I accept others as well as myself. ~Ann Ruane Fall in Love with the Whispers of Your Heart, Book 1

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Judging others often reflects an unhealed wound within you. ~Ann Ruane Fall in Love with the Whispers of Your Heart, Book 1

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