Inner Truth
The key piece in this situation is the unbinding of all of the 'stuff' other than my highest inner truth. The layers upon layers of habit and old beliefs can sometimes feel insurmountable, but the discomfort is will worth it in the end.
I have come to quite a few unsettling 'reveals' this past week that are really upending my world. Leaning into the full scope of emotions with it is also a lot to be with, not to mention maintaining some semblance of balance in my life through this process.
Expectations are the biggest culprit for this shift in perspective. Although I've crossed this bridge before, I'm traveling in deeper waters this time. The expectations that are smacking me were previously held as common sense or courtesy, only to accept the fact that what is courteous from my perspective doesn't necessarily ring true for others. I need to release the expectation and accept that we are all different and that love needs to remain at the root of it all. I also realized how I was feeling responsible for the lack and overcompensating by doing or giving more, longing for it to be returned...only to fall harder when the cycle repeated itself.
So as I'm unbinding myself from all of that, I'm turning to deepen my relationship with all that is true about me...I am love...I am lovable...I am loved. I am strengthening my inner acceptance. I am fostering more courage to embrace my inner truth.
I never really realized how little faith I had in my sense of self esteem in general interpersonal exchanges or relationships. It's so humbling to know that through it all, I have been divinely guided and supported my entire life...or I wouldn't be where I am today. I wouldn't have the courage to continually say yes to the professional 'love nudges' that not only foster my highest inner truth but support the personal growth to allow the unfolding along the way. Even through the really uncomfortable stretches, I am loved and supported...divinely. Always and evermore.